Engineering Expertise

TechCon Engenharia e Consultoria performs engineering expertise and issuance of technical reports on any type of structure or work.

Engineering Expertise Services:

  • Structural Report
  • Work Receipt Report
  • Building Inspection Report
  • Precautionary Neighborhood Report
  • Report of Vibrations in Structures and Equipment
  • Report of Constructive Defects
  • Technical Assistance in Legal Proceedings
  • Technical Assistance in Arbitration
  • Construction Audit
  • Structural Reinforcement Project
  • Verification of Compliance with the Performance Standard – NBR 15575

Technologies applied to engineering skills:

  • Structural monitoring with state-of-the-art equipment
  • Destructive and non-destructive testing
  • Assessment, monitoring and control of vibrations in structures and foundations
  • Advanced technology for structural recovery and reinforcement

Services related to engineering expertise:

  • Structural reinforcement
  • Load Testing in Structures and Foundations
  • Structural monitoring


Description of the Engineering Expertise Services Provided

Structural Report

Investigation and assessment of the condition of the site structure through design analysis and thorough site inspection. Indication of pathological manifestations found, diagnosis of the situation and recommendation of measures to be adopted.

Work Receipt Report

Assessment of the condition of the delivered property and verification of compatibility between the state of construction, current regulations and what was sold by the construction company.

Building Inspection Report

Technical inspection and assessment of the state of conservation and maintenance throughout the common areas of the building. Indication of pathological manifestations found, diagnosis of the situation and recommendation of measures to be adopted.

Neighborhood Precautionary Report (Neighborhood Inspection Report)

Assessment of the state of the properties around the construction site before the start of the work, with judicial value for a possible situation in which there is a need to certify the influence or not of the execution of the work in pathological manifestations in the neighboring buildings.

Report of Vibrations in Structures and Equipment

Analysis and monitoring tests on structures and equipment to assess the condition and possible structural damage. Indication of pathological manifestations found, diagnosis of the situation and recommendation of measures to be adopted.

Report of Constructive Defects

Identification of constructive failures (cracks, fissures, infiltrations, damage to coatings and other malfunctions) that affect the performance of the property and bring losses or inconvenience to the owner due to failure in the project or execution.

Technical Assistance in Legal Proceedings

Preparation of reports and technical engineering opinions to attest to the presence of pathological manifestations in the property and determination of possible causes in legal disputes.

Technical Assistance in Arbitration

Preparation of technical engineering reports and opinions to attest to the presence of the pathological manifestation in the property and determination of possible causes in conciliation processes.

Construction Audit

Detailed analysis of the execution methods and materials used, identification of items that do not comply with current standards, need for repair or replacement and suggestions for corrective and/or preventive measures to increase the useful life of the building.

Structural Reinforcement Project

Solutions for the recovery and reinforcement of damaged structures or that need an increase in load.

Verification of Compliance with the Performance Standard

Verification of the adequacy of new properties to the requirements and criteria presented in NBR 15575, considering their thermal, acoustic, lighting and fire safety performance. As well as the performance of the structural system, floors, fences, roofs and plumbing.

Some projects developed

Engineering Expertise

Inspection of retaining wall after collapse. Investigation of the causes, preparation of technical report. Reinforcement project for the remaining wall and structural project for a new wall for the area of the collapse.

Expertise in work on a garage building, Vitória/ES. Structural design analysis. Evaluation of the characteristic strength of concrete. Analysis of the execution of the structure. Preparation of technical opinion with the causes of pathological manifestations and measures to be taken.

Vibration monitoring in slabs.

Deformation monitoring of fiberglass reinforced beam.