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New edition of API SPEC 2C

*Article published in CRANE BRASIL Ed. 75

Published at the end of 2020, the standard has important determinations that increase the effectiveness of crane designs

Cranes mounted on pedestals are the most used for routine lifting operations on offshore platforms around the world and among the types found, cranes with lattice boom and knuckle boom cranes stand out.

Photo: Author’s archive.

Lattice boom cranes can have a superstructure supported by a slewing table or a structure called a “king post” and knuckle boom cranes can have a superstructure supported by a slewing table.

To ensure compliance with the minimum performance and safety criteria for offshore cranes, there are 2 main crane design, manufacturing and testing standards: the American API SPECIFICATION 2C – Offshore Pedestal-mounted Cranes and the European EN 13852-1: General-purpose offshore cranes.

The two standards have different approaches to achieving design strength and long-term operational safety, with API Spec. 2C emphasizes structural strength and EN 13852-1 adopts automatic overload limitation systems, resulting in slightly lighter structures.

Unlike the European standard, the API standard also deals with cranes for subsea lifting, and both cover operations for lifting people with the sole purpose of transshipment.

While the last edition of the European standard dates from 2013, the API published the eighth edition at the end of 2020, highlighting the following changes:

  • Improved definition of lifting within the platform (onboard) and lifting outside the platform (offboard);
  • Addition of structural calculation by LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design). In previous editions there was only ASD (Allowable Stress Design);
  • Improved formulation of the dynamic load on the boom;
  • Expansion of mandatory information on the block identification plate;
  • Requirement to turn off overload protection and movement compensation systems during lifting people;
  • Obligation to have at least one load table for lifting people;
  • New section addressing installation of temporary cranes;
  • Optional load charts for subsea lifting.

Accompanying the API Spec 2C movement, in 2021, the new edition of the API RP 2D – Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes standard will be launched, which deals with the operation and maintenance of offshore cranes.

With in-depth knowledge of lifting standards and their application in offshore lifting activities, it is possible to optimize the use of equipment and increase operational safety, preserving lives, property and the environment.

API: American Petroleum Institute

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