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Teaching of the class in the course of Decommissioning and Dismantling of Ships and Offshore Assets, promoted by IPETEC – Instituto de Pesquisa Educação e Tecnologia.

Subject objective: To teach how the foundations and structures of the main types of offshore platforms to be decommissioned in Brazil are, both fixed and floating.

The main fixed ones are:

  • Gravity structures: made of reinforced and prestressed concrete. There are 3 platforms of this type in Brazil, Ubarana 02 and 03 (PUB-02 and PUB-03) and Agulha 02 (PAG-2), all in RN.
  • Single-column type: it has a large diameter tube driven into the seabed and the “topside” (operating structure) mounted on top. Several of them in RN, out of activity, awaiting decommissioning.
  • Jacket: The “topside” is supported by reticulated structures, fixed to the seabed by piles. Used in water depths from 15 to 170 meters. Several of them in Brazil, about to be decommissioned.

What about floating platforms? Shortly…

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