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A very common accident with “munck” cranes. Unfortunately, the only sure thing about this lifting operation is the certainty that everything is wrong.

Hydraulic articulated cranes, the popular “muncks,” although versatile, require great care in the planning and execution of lifting operations. Evidence of this is the large number of accidents recorded, almost daily.

🔸 Lifting using a manual boom section with a winch
🔸 Boom inclined approximately 70°
🔸 Booms, especially manual ones, have very little resistance to torsion
🔸 Any lateral displacement of the load (side-lead) causes torsion that greatly exceeds the boom’s capacity, causing it to break.

🔸 Do not use manual booms for lifting with a boom inclination above 60°
🔸 For larger inclinations, use a crane with a conventional telescopic boom
🔸 Do not use a winch, cable, or block if the “munck” model does not have this accessory
🔸 Always carry out lifting following a rigging plan.

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