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Structural Reinforcement Project for Assembly and Hoisting

Heavy boiler structures must also be analyzed for intermediate situations to ensure that the assembly and hoisting process meets the project dimensions.


🔸 Hoisting phases for factory assembly and final positioning

🔸 Structural analysis to verify buckling and harmful displacements

🔸 Definition and analysis of hoisting points to prevent delamination, especially in thick plates

🔸 Reinforcement design to ensure parts meet project dimensions and enable the formation of assemblies

🔸 Detailed design of connections that are easy to fabricate, assemble, and remove, as removal will occur on-site after hoisting.


🔸 Structural analysis and verification for factory and field assembly hoisting

🔸 Design of hoisting lugs

🔸 Structural reinforcement design

🔸 Total hoisted weight: 408 tons

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